A message from our founder.
Pain is universal. Every person we meet deals with things beyond our imagination, things worth sobbing uncontrollably over. Yet we often hide these secrets, locking them away for only us to see.
Sometimes this makes sense; some things are best kept private. But this tactic can turn deadly when taken to the extreme. In the United States, nearly half of all adults experience a mental illness in their lifetime—and these are just the clinical disorders. Add in those that have experienced loss, sadness, emotional turmoil, etc., and we’re looking at a vast majority of America.
In these cases, the absence of a dialogue can make both you and the people around you feel more alone. Your struggles weigh on your chest, but because no one else speaks out, you don’t feel like anyone else could understand.
Here at MyKahani, we want to erase the stigma surrounding mental health. We believe that those in need are not to be brushed aside or looked down upon, but to be helped. Through MyKahani, we want to give them a space to express themselves.
Everyone’s story is different, but everyone’s story is valid.
— Jasmine Pandit
Founder, MyKahani