How to learn about mental health?
Track your mental health:
You can log and track your mood, sleep, diet, self-care, and medication. Keeping a written log of how you’re feeling is invaluable to your emotional wellbeing. You can make a list of what makes you sad, happy, things you’re grateful for, things you’re worried about, things that are going well for you, things that aren’t going so well for you, some self-care goals, etc.
Read from different sources:
Reading helps you to ‘De-Stress’, it makes you more ‘Empathetic’ towards others. Reading is one of the best ‘Forms Of Therapy’ and it also ‘Increases Your Intelligence.’ You can also read articles and blogs about mental health to expand your knowledge on topics related to mental health! If you want to know more about mental health then you can always read our blogs and articles!
Look at the world around you:
Mental health is key to our well-being. We can’t be truly healthy without it. It involves how we feel, think, act, and interact with the world around us. Reminding yourself to take notice – of your thoughts, feelings and body sensations, and the world around you is the first step to mindfulness.
Take a course:
Attending a course on mental health will give you the ability to see just how pervasive the problem can be to those who are experiencing it and will allow you to develop a different perspective on all the ways that it can influence their lives. It can help to reduce the stigma of mental illness.